Friday, June 25, 2010

After One Year on PGX Daily?

Its been about 1 year since I started taking PGX Daily. During this time a lot has happened. I found out I had a previously undetected heart condition so I have had to change the type of exercises I can do. I made a couple business trips which made it hard to keep a healthy schedule. I had a family vacation to Disneyland with the kids which was also hard but manageable with regards to diet. I also renovated a washroom and worked full-time. But it's report card time so not matter what the excuses are here are the results.

I have been taking: (most days ~ not everyday ~ )

PGX Daily or No Nonsense PGX Meal Replacement
Omega 3 Fish oil
Multi Vitamin

I exercise 2-3 times per week. Usually a bike ride or walk. I wish it were more than 2-3 times but life happens.

I started at 192lbs BMI: 27

Today 180lbs. BMI: 25

Still have a little more to go... but I am getting there. Special thanks to my loving wife for all her support. Making a changes in my diet have been so much easier with her help. Also thank you to the customer service at NatVD for making PGX Daily available, giving me motivation and recipes. A shout out to any readers out there striving to take control of their health. Best of luck.